What are the 6+ Traits of Writing


Welcome to MrsK's 6 Traits of Writing!

Since the beginning of the 6 Traits of Writing, I have presented... instructed... and witnessed the power of teaching writing skills through the use of picture books. Age is not an issue. I've discovered that any age becomes engaged in spending time with picture books after all these beautifully crafted stories were created for adults to share within their homes.

Spending an introductory time for each trait is the best avenue for success, when every trait is introduced, Visit the library... preselect picture books that will bring about a great discussion for each trait. Spend the first day letting them read picture books, journaling examples for each trait, and book sharing. They can score the books between 1-5 for the trait and debate their findings. Follow up the week with the writing process for that one trait, including sketches for their, 3-5 paragraphed, story.

Happy reading and writing...

6+ 1 Traits of Writing:
 Word Choice
 Sentence Fluency

Booked 4 Success

MrsK's Book Reviews